Camomile | What's that?

Camomile (Chamomilla recutita L.) is one of the oldest and most popular medicinal plants in our culture. It is often used to treat stomach and gastrointestinal complaints and inflammations.
Camomile made history when it was used in the first liquid shampoo launched by RAUSCH in 1900. It was also the first plant to be awarded the status of a medicinal plant in 1987 by the Association of German Pharmacists. In addition to this award, camomile was also voted Medicinal Plant of the Year in 2002.
It belongs to the Composite family of plants and comes originally from Southern and Eastern Europe. However, these days it can be found throughout Europe as well as in North America and Australia.
Camomile is an annual herbaceous plant and can grow to a height of up to 50 cm. It is primarily cultivated in sandy loamy soils. With its distinctive aroma, camomile is easy to identify. Camomile – a genuine wonder plant