Bärenstrasse 12
8280 Kreuzlingen

T +41 71 678 12 12
F +41 71 678 12 06

RAUSCH AG KREUZLINGEN operates the online shop for Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. The value-added tax ID number of RAUSCH AG KREUZLINGEN is CHE-101.695.161 MWST.

RAUSCH AG KREUZLINGEN is listed in the Companies' Register of the Can-ton of Thurgau (UID CHE-101.695.161). RAUSCH AG KREUZLINGEN is rep-resented by Mr Peter Muri (President of the Board of Directors), Mr Rolf G. Schmid (Delegate of the Board of Directors) and Ms Sandra Banholzer (Chief Executive Officer).

RAUSCH (Deutschland) GmbH operates the online shop for Germany, Italy and Austria. The turnover tax identification number of RAUSCH (Deutschland) GmbH is DE 159203203.

RAUSCH (Deutschland) GmbH
Seestrasse 9
78464 Konstanz

T +49 7531 362 07 99
F +49 7531 362 08 04

RAUSCH (Deutschland) GmbH is listed in the Companies' Register of the District Court of Freiburg (register number HRB 381233). RAUSCH (Deutschland) GmbH is represented by Ms Sandra Banholzer (CEO) and Ms Barbara Banzhaf (CSO).

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolu-tion out of court (OS platform) which can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are neither willing nor obligated to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer dis-pute resolution authority.

Legal advice

All content and information on the RAUSCH website may be protected by copyright and other rights. RAUSCH is a registered trademark.

The content of the RAUSCH website may not be copied, distributed, al-tered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.

The RAUSCH website has been edited and reviewed with care. However, RAUSCH does not guarantee that the content and information provided are up to date, correct or complete. Where legally permissible, RAUSCH excludes any and all liability for direct or indirect damage and for conse-quential damage of any kind that may arise in relation to the use of or ac-cess to the RAUSCH website or from links to third-party websites.