Horsetail | What is it?

Scientific name: Equisetum arvense L.
Family: Horsetail family (Equisetopsida)
Origin: Europe, North Asia
Botany: Horsetail is also known as field horsetail. It grows in fields, meadows, fields and along roadsides. In spring, pale yellowish stems about 20 cm tall grow with a spur at the top. In May, the green shoots grow to a height of 10 to 50 cm. The shape of the summer shoots is reminiscent of small conifers.
Harvest time: May to September
Parts of the plant used: Shoots
What makes the plant so special: Horsetail is one of the few remaining plant relics from the Ice Age. Back then, it was the size of a tree and populated huge forests together with giant ferns and mosses. In the household it was mainly used as a cleaning agent for objects made of tin, from which it derives its name. The silica crystals it contains act as a cleaning agent.
Usage: Horsetail is considered to strengthen tissue and stop bleeding. It is often used for kidney and bladder problems, brittle hair and nails, inflammation, wounds and to purify the blood. Horsetail is rarely used in food as it tastes quite woody due to its high silica content. However, young shoots can be enjoyed as juice or in a smoothie.
Cosmetic properties: Horsetail is rich in naturally pure silicic acid. In cosmetics, extracts from it are used to strengthen the connective tissue, reduce inflammation, tighten the skin, promote circulation and have an astringent (hemostatic) effect.
It is also used to treat oily hair. It also smoothes and regenerates the outer layer of the hair shaft. The hair becomes resistant, strong and gains resilience and natural shine.