Rosemary | What's that?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen shrub from the Lamiaceae family. It loves warm, sunny spots and is sensitive to hard frost. With its light blue flowers, it not only makes a decorative addition to any herb garden or rockery, but it also combines a whole apothecary in a single plant.
Its Latin name ‘Rosmarinus’ means ‘dew of the sea’, so called because it grows on the Mediterranean coast and collects the dew on its flowers overnight. Rosemary is a symbol of loyalty and love. As far back as ancient Greece, the herb was associated with the love goddess Aphrodite.
Rosemary was also used to make one of the first-ever distilled perfumes, which combined essential oil with alcohol. The mixture was called ‘Hungary water’ after Queen Elizabeth of Hungary (1305–1380). Modern Eau de Cologne still contains rosemary as an ingredient.
As a medicinal plant, rosemary leaves and flowers have a wide range of potential health benefits. Traditional medicine uses rosemary’s essential oils to treat eczema and slow-healing wounds due to its antimicrobial effects.
Rosemary oil also stimulates circulation in the skin, has an invigorating effect and revitalises the mind. Furthermore, rosemary is a popular ingredient in body care products, as it helps combat blemished skin, scalp problems and hair loss.