Embarrassing for everyone who has experienced it: oily hair
Time to read 3 min
Time to read 3 min
Many people are familiar with the scenario: shortly after washing hair it already looks lank and oily and appears umkempt. There are many reasons for a tendency to oily hair, against which those affected are usually fairly helpless. But there are ways of coming to grips with the problem. Principally it is due to increased sebum production which is excreted by the sebaceous glands in the scalp and passes onto the hair. If the glands are over-productive then the hair becomes oilier faster. If sebum production is correspondingly lower then the opposite is the case: the hair becomes brittle and split. So it is necessary to restrict the production but without de-greasing the scalp too heavily!
There are generally various reasons for an impaired equilibrium of the scalp and the beginning of this unpleasant cycle. One factor is genetic disposition. Some people produce sebum faster than others or have more sebaceous glands on their scalps. The most important tip here: find a mild de-greasing product which thoroughly cleanses the scalp but doesn’t de-grease too severely. Don’t wash hair too often and don’t massage or rub as friction has a contra-productive effect.
Frequently our circumstances are the reason that the scalp and sebum production spin out of control. People who are often stressed and don’t get enough sleep tend to produce more sebum than those who are subject to less pressure. Equally hormonal change can be a reason for elevated sebum production on the scalp. This includes, for example, puberty. Among women it can be pregnancy which substantially raises sebum production. And incidentally, fine hair looks oily quicker than does very thick hair because the same amount of sebum is being distributed along a much smaller diameter of hair making the oiliness visible faster.
Nutrition plays as important a role via the metabolism as do climatic conditions (high humidity, too much or too little sun, high pollution level). In the worst case the faulty protective barrier of the scalp leads to a bacterial infestation, causing unpleasant itchiness. If this happens you should seek the help of a specialist. If your pharmacist or hairdresser is unable to help, then contact a dermatologist.
A specialist can tell by assessing your scalp whether your sebaceous glands are over-active. Generally, if there is a tendency to oily hair, dermatologists will recommend not washing hair at all for a few days, so the scalp can recover. This procedure may at first be unpleasant for those concerned, but in the long run it is worth it because the sebum production rapidly decreases with less frequent washing.
There are many options for treating oily hair. Washing out the grease is the first step. Nonetheless the frequency of hair washing should be limited to 2-3 times a week. It is also best to wash hair in the morning not in the evening because the sebaceous glands are most active at night. Use only luke-warm water and don’t use too hot a setting when blow-drying. Warmth stimulates the scalp causing a rise in sebum production. Rubbing the scalp excessively whilst washing also tends to have a negative effect. We recommend washing hair carefully and only briefly.
Hair should not be brushed too often during the day to prevent oil from being spread further along the hair shaft. A trick when you’re on the move: use baby powder which absorbs the oil. Using dry shampoo can also be a short-term remedy to beautify the result (for job interviews and for days when you don’t wash your hair). Cold tea, used as a rinse, is effective against oily hair as well. Hair treatment packs for the scalp with therapeutic lava clay or alumina produce lasting and convincing results for oily hair. They are like a detox treatment. Shampoos with seaweed or willow bark extract also have a proven antiseptic and de-greasing effect. The results speak for themselves – try them and see. You should also make sure that your shampoos contain neither oils nor silicones.
To prevent oily hair it is best to avoid using conditioners. If you still believe your hair needs conditioning (sometimes the tips are quite porous – even with oily hair), then select a conditioner which is suitable for oily hair.
The specialists from Switzerland have even found a pure and natural solution for treating oily hair. The miracle plant is seaweed. This perennial giant algae (also known as bladderwrack) is rich in mineral salts, mucilages, iodine and polyphenols. It has a soothing and regulating effect on both the sebaceous glands and the metabolism of the scalp. RAUSCH has taken these positive attributes and used them to create a highly effective solution to oily hair, which has been sustainably helping sufferers for many years. In Asian countries, where the tendency towards oily hair is both genetic and climatic, this care line has long been a secret tip.
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